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Exploring the Skills in Demand Visa and Its Impact on Skilled Workers

Did you know that a new Skills in Demand visa is replacing the Temporary Skills Shortage (subclass 482) Visa? 

Are you eligible?

Here is a glance to what are the changes…

As per the new migration strategy, the Skills in Demand Visa will be introduced with a three-tiered system for applicants based on their skills and experience. The Skills in Demand Visa will likely be implemented by the end of 2024. In order to meet the demands of the labour market, the new ‘Skills in Demand visa’ introduces a number of significant changes for temporary skilled migrant workers, such as an easier way to apply for permanent residency and more time to find a new sponsor in the event that their employment is terminated. The Government plans to establish a median service standard of 21 days to process the Skills in Demand Visa. For detailed guidance on these changes, contacting immigration lawyers in Melbourne could be beneficial.

Specialist Skills Pathway 

  • will not have an occupational list (trades workers, machine operators, drivers and labourers are excluded);
  • will be grated a 4-year visa;
  • will require annual earnings of at least $135,000; and
  • median service standard of 7 days.

Core Skills Pathway

  • most temporary skilled migrants will come through Core Skills Pathway
  • occupation must be on new Core Skills Occupation List which is identified by Jobs and Skills Australia
  • will require annual earnings of at least $70,000

Essential Skills Pathway 

  • yet to be finally determined
  • for those earning under $70,000 per year but working with essential skills
  • This route is probably going to be industry-specific, with minimum standards, a more robust regulatory framework, and by continuous guidance from Jobs and Skills Australia.

Still confused whether you are eligible? Give us a call or book your free consult now with one of our immigration lawyers Melbourne.

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This does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. For up-to-date information or legal advice, please consult an immigration lawyer.

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