other visas | immigration lawyers in melbourne

Taking care of your case
means taking care of you.

Immigration Lawyers in Melbourne

Resident Return Visas

If you leave Australia after your permanent visa travel facility has expired, you will not be able to return to Australia as a permanent resident. If you wish to return to Australia as a permanent resident, you must apply for and be granted this visa before your arrival in Australia.

Book a Consult to discuss your case with one of our experience immigration lawyers.

Immigration Lawyers in Melbourne

Skillselect Visas

Skillselect is an invitation based system for skilled workers and business people.

There are three pathways for skilled workers (other than employer sponsored pathways) under Skillselect.

Book a Consult to discuss your case with one of our experience immigration lawyers.

Immigration Lawyers in Melbourne


The last step in your migration journey.

You can become a citizen of Australia in different ways. You must meet our criteria before you apply. Conferral and descent are the most common ways to apply.

Book a Consult to discuss your case with one of our experience immigration lawyers.